French Grammar: Typing French Accent Marks


French Grammar: Typing French Accent Marks
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project


French Grammar: Typing French Accent Marks
la grammaire française: taper les accents français

Learn how to type French accent marks on your computer!


On a PC, the ALT codes are used to enter the characters as text in programs such as MS Word or Adobe Photoshop. To enter an ALT code from your keyboard, make sure Num Lock is on, use the numeric keypad, and keep the ALT key pressed as you type the numbers.

(For MAC:  
[…]  means release keys before continuing)

Char. ALT Code Mac Description
â ALT + 0226 OPTION + i … a “a” with circumflex
à ALT + 0224 OPTION + ` … a “a” with grave accent
ç ALT + 0231 OPTION + c “c” with cedilla
é ALT + 0233 OPTION + e … e “e” with acute accent
ê ALT + 0234 OPTION + i … e “e” with circumflex
è ALT + 0232 OPTION + ` … e “e” with grave accent
ë ALT + 0235 OPTION + u … e “e” with tréma/diaeresis
î ALT + 0238 OPTION + i … i “i” with circumflex
ï ALT + 0239 OPTION + u … i “i” with tréma/diaeresis
ô ALT + 0244 OPTION + i … o “o” with circumflex
ö ALT + 0246 OPTION + u … o “o” with tréma/diaeresis
û ALT + 0251 OPTION + i … u “u” with circumflex
ù ALT + 0249 OPTION + `  …  u “u” with grave accent
ü ALT + 0252 OPTION + u  …  u “u” with tréma/diaeresis

(For MAC:
[…]  means release keys before continuing)

Char. ALT Code Mac Description
 ALT + 0194 OPTION + I … A “A” with circumflex
À ALT + 0192 OPTION + ` … A “A” with grave accent
Ç ALT + 0199 OPTION + SHIFT + C “C” with cedilla
É ALT + 0201 OPTION + E … E “E” with acute accent
Ê ALT + 0202 OPTION + I … E “E” with circumflex
È ALT + 0200 OPTION + ` … E “E” with grave accent
Ë ALT + 0203 OPTION + U … E “E” with tréma/diaeresis
Î ALT + 0206 OPTION + I … I “I” with circumflex
Ï ALT + 0207 OPTION + U … I “I” with tréma/diaeresis
Ô ALT + 0212 OPTION + I … O “O” with circumflex
Ö ALT + 0214 OPTION + U … O “O” with tréma/diaeresis
Û ALT + 0219 OPTION + I … U “U” with circumflex
Ù ALT + 0217 OPTION + ` … U “U” with grave accent
Ü ALT + 0220 OPTION + U … U “U” with tréma/diaeresis


Comment ça va?
How are you (informal)?

Comme ci, comme ça.

Où est-ce que tu habites?
Where do you (informal) live?

J’habite à Montréal.
I live in Montreal.

Quelle est la date de Noël?
What is the date of Christmas?

La date de Noël est le 25 décembre.
The date of Christmas is December 25.

À quelle heure est-ce que vous allez à la fête?
At what time are you all going to the party.

Nous allons à la fête à 21h00.
We are going to the party at 9:00pm.
