Spanish Grammar: Subjunctive with Emotion

Spanish Grammar: The Subjunctive - Emotion

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Spanish Grammar: Subjunctive with Emotion
la gramática española: el subjuntivo con la emoción

  • The subjunctive is a verb mood, not a tense in terms of time.
  • Utilized in various emotional states.


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The subjunctive is used when we do not know if the action will take place. If we know that it is or will be a reality, the indicative is used. The subjunctive is used to express doubt, how a person feels about an action or state of being, a wish, intent or command. It can also be used to express facts that are the opposite of reality.

Emotions work with actions and reactions to situations, and how those actions make a person feel.

Me alegro de que hayas venido.
I’m happy that you have come.

Me encanta que tomes clases de español.
I love that you are taking Spanish classes.

Me sorprende que estés triste.
I’m surprised that you’re sad.

Here are some other emotion triggers that work with the subjunctive. (Not a complete list…)

enojarse que : to get mad

alegrarse que : to get happy

temer que : to fear

molestar que : to be annoyed


Me molesta que no hayas llamado.
It annoys me that you haven’t called.Yo temo que no tenga las llaves.
I fear that I don’t have the keys.



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