Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 0-10

Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 0 - 10

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project


Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 0-10
el vocabulario español: los números 0-10

  • Express basic concepts of quantity.
  • Establish a base for number patterns.



Here is a useful word to start off with:

cuánto(s) : how much / how many

¿Cuántos estudiantes hay?
How many students are there?

Some of these numbers might look familiar. Many numbers are similar in English, French, Italian, Latin, or even Greek! Don’t forget that spelling counts, watch for accent marks!

cero : zero : 0

uno : one : 1

dos : two : 2

tres : three : 3

cuatro : four : 4

cinco : five : 5

seis : six : 6

siete : seven : 7

ocho : eight : 8

nueve : nine : 9

diez : ten : 10

Please note that, when counting objects, the number one changes from uno to un before a masculine noun – just like the indefinite article.

un libro : one book

Yo tengo un libro.
I have a (one) book.

un perro : one dog (male)

Mi hermano tiene un perro.
My brother has a (one) dog.

un hombre : one man

Yo solo soy un hombre.
I am only a (one) man.

Again, please note that, when counting objects, the number one changes from uno to una before a feminine noun – just like the indefinite article.

una pluma : one pen

Tengo una pluma.
I have a (one) pen.

una gata : one cat (female)

Mi amiga tiene una gata.
My friend has a (one) cat.

una chica : one girl

Yo soy una chica.
I am a (one) girl.


¿Cuántos años tiene usted?
How old are you?

Yo tengo ocho años.
I am eight years old.

¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en la clase?
How many students are there in the class?

Hay cinco estudiantes en la clase.
There are five students in the class.

¿Cuántos libros hay en su mochila?
How many books are in your backback?

Hay cuatro libros en mi mochila.
There are four books in my backpack.

¿Tiene usted un hermano?
Do you have a brother?

Si, yo tengo tres hermanos.
Yes, I have three brothers.

¿Cuántos años tiene su hermano menor?
How old is your little brother?

Mi hermano menor tiene siete años.
My little brother is seven years old.


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