French Grammar: Possessive Pronouns

… Identify: French Grammar: Possessive Pronouns la grammaire française: les pronoms possessifs Indicates possession. Points out whose possessions. Agree in number and gender with the noun they replace. Review: LEAF French Grammar: Possessive Adjectives Study: Like Possessive Adjectives, Possessive Pronouns indicate possession. They let us know what is mine, yours, his, hers, or ours. Possessive Pronouns […]

French Vocabulary: Toiletries and Cosmetics

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Toiletries and Cosmetics le vocabulaire français: les articles de toilette et les produits de maquillage Essential to describing daily routine and personal hygiene Many people use the same basic types of health and beauty products. Study: In order to describe what you do to get ready for the day and ready […]

French Vocabulary: School and Office Equipment

… Identify: French Vocabulary: School and Office Equipment le vocabulaire français: le matériel d’école et de bureau School and office equipment are common objects in the work environment. Identify and utilize the right tools to get work done. Study: une affiche : poster Mettons l’affiche d’OSHA dans le bureau. Let’s put the OSHA poster in […]

French Grammar: Nouns – Indefinite Articles

… Identify: French Grammar: Nouns – Indefinite Articles la grammaire française: les substantifs – les articles indéfinis Nouns (les substantifs) are people, places, and things. They have names! In French, indefinite articles (les articles indéfinis) are considered part of the noun. You’ll need to learn to use nouns with their correct articles if you want to talk about […]

French Grammar: The Expression [IL Y A] – Basics

… Identify: French Grammar: The Expression [IL Y A] – Basics la grammaire française: l’expression [il y a] – une introduction The expression IL Y A is comprised of the words IL (“it”) + Y (“there”) + A (“has” – from AVOIR). IL Y A has many functions. Most commonly, it identifies the existence of people, […]

French Vocabulary: Cooking-Related Measurements

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Cooking-Related Measurements le vocabulaire français: les mesures culinaires Quantities can be expressed using specific nouns or adverbs of quantity, and also by specific measures of weight or volume – especially when it comes to talking about food and drink. As with other adverbs of quantity, Cooking-Related Measurements indicate how much (or […]

French Vocabulary: Places in the City – Basics

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Places in the City – Basics le vocabulaire français: les endroits dans la ville – une introduction Essential to navigating around a city.   Modern cities often have the same kinds of basic services and resources. Study: If you want to travel to French-speaking cities around the world, you’ll need to […]

French Vocabulary: Adolescent Activities

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Adolescent Activities le vocabulaire français: les activités d’adolescence Common activities that are associated with adolescence. Discuss personal experiences in the past, present, and future. Study: aller au cinéma : to go to the movies Les amis vont au cinéma demain soir. The friends are going to the movies tomorrow night. apprendre […]

French Vocabulary: Childhood Activities

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Childhood Activities le vocabulaire français: les activités d’enfance Common activities that are associated with childhood. Discuss personal experiences in the past, present, and future. Study: aller au cirque : to go to the circus La famille va au cirque ce week-end. The family is going to the circus this weekend. aller au […]

French Grammar: Adverbs of Place

… Identify: French Grammar: Adverbs of Place la grammaire française: les adverbes de lieu Just as an adjective modifies (describes) a noun, an ADVERB modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.  Adverbs generally answer the question How? How well? How much? How often? or When? They help us provide more details when we’re describing actions. […]