Spanish Grammar: Vosotros Commands

Spanish Grammar: Vosotros Commands

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Spanish Grammar: Vosotros Commands
la gramática española: los imperativos – vosotros

  • Imperatives are also known as command forms.
  • Ask people to do things in the [vosotros] form.


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It is important to not only be able to understand commands but also to be able to use them correctly. Imperatives are words that are used to ask or tell someone to do something!

To informally tell one person you don’t know to do something:

¡Esperad a tu hermano!
Wait for your brother!

Tell tell one person you don’t know not to do something:

¡No escribáis en su libro!
Don’t write in your book!

By now, you are aware that Spanish uses two styles of speech: formal and informal. There are two types of commands in Spanish – Formal Commands and Informal Commands.

Regular informal commands (used like we use vosotros) have one form for the affirmative and one for the negative.

In the Affirmative, start with the infinitive, drop the –r and add a –d. This is true for all verbs except reflexives.

hablar -> habla* -> ¡hablad!

leer -> lee* -> ¡leed!

escribir -> escribi* -> ¡escribid!

The affirmative reflexive vosotros command is formed using the same stem (the infinitive minus the –r) and attaching the reflexive pronoun on the end.

callar -> calla* -> ¡callaos!
Be quiet!

acostar -> acosta* -> ¡acostaos!
Go to bed!

Regular NEGATIVE vosotros commands are formed as follows:

-AR verbs : add –éis to the “yo” stem

-IR and –ER verbs : add –áis to the “yo” stem

hablar -> hablo -> habl* -> ¡no habléis!
Don’t talk!

leer -> leo -> le* -> ¡no leáis!
Don’t read!

escribir -> escribo -> escrib* -> ¡no escribáis!
Don’t write!

The negative vosotros commands for ir, saber and ser look like this:

Ir -> ¡No vayáis conmigo!
Don’t go with me!

Saber -> ¡No sepáis todo!
Don’t know everything!

Ser -> ¡No seáis antipáticos!
Don’t be mean!

You can use an inverted exclamation point at the beginning of the command and an upright exclamation point at the end of the sentence.


¡Abrid las ventanas!
Open the windows!¡Cerrad las ventanas, está lloviendo!
Close the windows, it’s raining!¡Comed la espinaca!
Eat the spinach!

¡Vaya a la fiesta!
Go to the party!

¡No salid temprano!
Don’t leave early!

¡Leed el libro!
Read the book!


¡Corred, los zombies!
Run, zombies!



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