Folium: Where Your Coffee Comes From via Gizmodo

Folium: Where Your Coffee Comes From via Gizmodo

I do honestly believe that people all over the world need to know and understand where their food comes from. It was only a generation ago where farming and food production was a major career option for many people across the country, and little by little the small farms have given way to large-scale productions and more children are encouraged to pursue white collar jobs instead of blue collar options. The modern farmer is vanishing, and our knowledge of the process shrinks with it.

I’m not ragging on the farming industry, because I also understand that what we consider “farming” is now called “agricultural science”. Cornell University in Ithaca, NY (very near my home) offers Masters and PhDs in Ag. Science, and I’ll be the first to admit that most modern farmers now know more about biology and genetics than most academics. Farming is now an international affair with farms owning and operating facilities all over the world to bring food to your table.

The point is, your food does not come from the grocery store. It starts with people, and those people live all over the world.

I love this film, because of the path it takes. The coffee in your mug has to come from somewhere, and most likely it came from Latin America. I’m adding links to the Gizmodo article, and also a direct link to the Vimeo site for the short film (< 10 minutes) “From The Source”. It’s beautifully shot, and is a great primer to understanding more about the global food chain.

The song that carries the film was recorded live on location in El Salvador. After being woken up at 5am by a marching band through town, we frantically gathered our gear and chased down the parade to witness possibly the most beautiful community wide funeral for an elder that had died the night before. An event that will stick with me for the rest of my life. – Olympia Coffee Roasting.

We’re all connected. Even the food you eat every day is an international product. Without an international mindset, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy most of the food on our plate every day.

Please watch the whole video, I promise that it’s worth it!