French Grammar: Double Object Pronouns

French Grammar: Double Object Pronouns

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French Grammar: Double Object Pronouns
la grammaire française: les compléments d’objet – position et ordre

Double Object Pronouns occur when using both direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns with the same verb!  Don’t get them confused with Direct Object Pronouns or Indirect Object Pronouns individually.


Double Object Pronouns occur when using both direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns with the same verb!  Don’t get them confused with Direct Object Pronouns or Indirect Object Pronouns individually.

Whenever two object pronouns, adverbial pronouns, and/or reflexive pronouns are used in the same sentence, they must occur in a specific order.  There are actually two specific orders – (1) a specific order for all verb tenses and moods; and (2) a slightly different specific order for affirmative Commands with Object Pronouns.

(1) In all verb tenses and moods – EXCEPT for the affirmative imperative – object, adverbial, and/or reflexive pronouns always precede the verb.  They must occur in the order shown here:

me, te, se, nous,  or vous


le, la, l’, or les


lui or leur






Il (ne) me la montre (pas).
He is (not) showing it to me.

Je (ne) veux (pas) le lui lire.
I do (not) want to read it to him (her).

(Ne) leur en avez-vous (pas) parlé?
Did(n’t) you (formal) talk to them about it?

Il (n’) y en a (pas) beaucoup.
There are (not) a lot of them.

Nous (ne) l’y mettons (pas).
We are (not) putting it there.

Ne les leur montrez pas.
Don’t show it to them.

Ne la lui envoyons pas.
Let’s not send it to her (him).

(2) When the verb occurs in affirmative Commands with Object Pronouns, the object, adverbial, and/or reflexive pronouns come AFTER the verb, and are placed in a slightly different order from the other tenses and moods explained and illustrated above.   With affirmative imperatives, the placement of these pronouns is as follows:

le, la, l’,  or les


moi (m’), toi (t’), or lui


nous, vous, or leur






Pass it to me!

Va ten!
Go away!

Let’s give it to them!

Tell it to her!

Put them there!

To summarize:

With affirmative commands, the pronouns come AFTER the verb, attached by hyphens, and occur in a fixed order.  For all other tenses and moods, the pronouns occur in a slightly different – but still fixed – order BEFORE the conjugated verb. 


Il vous a donné l’adresse de la maison?
Did he give the address of the house to you (formal)?

Non, il va me la donner maintenant.
No, he is going to give it to me now.

Tu vas nous servir bientôt le dîner?
Are you (familiar) going to serve dinner to us soon?

Oui, je vous le sers tout de suite.
Yes, I am serving it to you all right away.
