Aero: Katherine Kostuk – Costa Rica 2013 – My Expectations
Aero: Katherine Kostuk – Costa Rica 2013 – My Expectations

Katherine Kostuk
Wanderlust is defined as a strong desire to wander or travel and explore the world, to discover one’s very existence. It’s true, that at times we may find ourselves in the middle of nowhere; however, it is also true that at times in the middle of nowhere, we can find ourselves. I believe that people don’t travel to escape life, but instead so that life does not escape them.
I have a bucket list of places and experiences that I would like to accomplish within my life time. This is important because no one can experience things for us, or see them from our eyes. Not only that, but we won’t live forever, so we might as well be adventurous. If we never go after what we want we won’t get it and if we never ask we won’t learn the answer. In the same sense if we never step forward we will always stay in the same place. What a shame that would be with all the amazing places that are waiting to be seen. Seth Godin once said that if it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.
Seth Godin had it right because the most worth wild things in life are usually those that scare us on some level. While I am so incredibly excited I am also very nervous for this is my first time going abroad. I expect my nerves will continue to grow once we land in Costa Rica, because I know that is that farthest from my family I have ever been. I am also both anxious, and excited to learn from my host family. I’m curious about their life style and interested to learn if they are similar to those of my own family. I can’t help but wonder if they reminisce over dinner and tell family memories like my family. I know I am nervous but I am truly excited to have the chance to learn from my host family.
My siblings were both lucky enough to travel to France while in high school. My sister studied in Australia for a semester and traveled to Italy and Greece. My brother traveled to visit her in Australia, and went to Scotland this past summer. They have both been exceptionally blessed with chances to see parts of the world, while I feel as though I still understand so little of world we’re a part of. I have seen how travel can influence someone by how it’s changed my siblings. Travel can bring an understanding of this amazing world in a way that we may never receive from reading, or watching it on the television. It allows us to experience it for our self, to try new things, and meet new people. It allows us to look beyond what is right in front of us and learn firsthand.
I expect that traveling to Costa Rica will give me all of these wonderful experiences. Growing up in a town where I knew most of the people made me more sheltered than most. I’m excited to see how the community there is and how the culture is similar and different to ours. Many of us are glued to our I-phones and I wonder if the cultures in Costa Rica are as dependent on technology as we are here in the US. I am excited to see if other places are as technology crazed as we have come to be.
One of my biggest concerns is how restricted my Spanish speaking abilities are. While I studied it all through high school I haven’t studied it since then. I would like to talk with my host family and communicate with others while bartering and buying something within the market. I understand this will be one of the more difficult aspects of the trip for me and not sure how I will manage sixteen days without English. The Spanish classes we are participating in while abroad I believe will help my language skills and help make the experience greater. I believe that being completely within a Spanish speaking culture will help me develop and greater understanding and appreciation for the language.
There countless things I can’t wait to experience abroad. While we are there we will get the chance to hike a couple volcanoes and hike through rain forests. I love being outside and hiking in my spare time. So to have the chance to hike in Costa Rica is a once in a life time experience that I cannot wait for. What we do with our days is important because we are exchanging a day of our life for it. I truly believe that this experience is an incredible chance to learn and see something new. I cannot wait for my upcoming days I will spend and the adventures I will get to experience in Costa Rica.
– Katherine Kostuk
The LEAF Project
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