Aero: Kimberly Gage – France 2015 – Travel

Aero: Kimberly Gage – France 2015 – Travel
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
Aero: Kimberly Gage – France 2015 – Travel

Kimberly Gage
I would have to say, for my first international trip, I am very glad I had this wonderful opportunity to travel and see France for a generous 2 whole weeks! Flying was actually not as bad as I was expecting. I just wished I packed more accordingly and left what I didn’t need for the flight on the overhead compartment (leg room is essential). Watching films throughout the flight was also a good way to stay awake and fight jet lag. I’m not too sure if what I experienced was jet lag, but I remember thinking that it was one whole day and several hours traveling from Paris to the United States. I ate lunch and dinner on the plane, and then got to eat dinner yet again with my family once I landed. I can now say that I ate 4 meals in one day and survived…
I had experienced the best public transportation in Paris while riding the metro. I really do hope that at some point we can have metro systems that allow for easy access and cheap transportation for those who need it. I really don’t like having to drive all over the place and get lost; at least this way I would get close to my destination, or if I missed it, transfer to the line on the other side and get off at the right one.
While staying with my host family, everywhere we went we had a car. Going shopping or going to school would take no more than 2 minutes by car, and I am sure it would have been safe enough to walk to school, but it might have taken more than 15 minutes. I didn’t mind it because it has been a long time since I had been a passenger in a car. I also got to relax and see the scenery and the cities of Rennes, Vitré and Dinon this way.
Going through TSA on the way back home was a bit aggravating for me because I was the only one from our group who kept getting pulled aside by security and getting searched (all three security checkpoints). In retrospect, I think it was the boots I was wearing; they were steel toed boots, the only ones I felt comfortable bringing for all the rain I was anticipating but never had to worry about while in France. I think they saw it on the scanner and it was an instant red flag for them, even though I clearly wasn’t a threat in any way. In the future I will keep in mind to pack these steel toed boots in my checked baggage where it won’t draw as much attention, even if they are a bit heavier than my secondary pair of boots. I will also be a bit more tolerant of the searches the TSA does; they are only doing their job and trying to protect other travelers and their country from potential security threats. I don’t blame them for doing their job. I will know what to expect for any future travels.
Kimberly Gage
LEAF Contributor