Folium: Inspirational St. Patrick’s Day Quotes on Parenting via Strollerderby

Folium: Inspirational St. Patrick's Day Quotes on Parenting via Strollerderby (Image via Wikimedia Commons)
Inspirational St. Patrick’s Day Quotes on Parenting via Strollerderby
What? We can cover other languages and cultures besides Spanish and French! Because of fast-approaching St. Patrick’s Day I thought that we could take a few minutes to think about the Emerald Isle. Have you ever seen this place? It’s incredible! And while I’m not a huge fan of Guinness, I’ll allow it for everything else this land has to offer.
It’s not often that I get to post on parenting, and honestly, I’m noticing a huge lack of media about traveling with your children. Just because you have kids, doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to stay at home for the rest of your lives. I remember hiking through the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica, and meeting up with a German family on the trail. They had two kids, 12 and 10 years old, and after studying the cloud forests at their school the parents decided to actually take their children there to experience it firsthand! That’s some first-class parenting if I’ve ever seen it.
Things like these Irish quotes on parenting reminds us of what we have in common as people. Everyone on this planet has the opportunity to become a first-time (or multiple-time) parent, and the joys and fears seem to be pretty universal. I’m always reminded how we as a people are more alike than we are different.
Here’s a video of “Celtic Woman” … because … pretty …
So check out the St. Patrick’s Day Quotes, and enjoy!
Are there other international/multicultural parenting tips that you know of? Speak up in the comments below!