Folium: Parenting is the same in any language!

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For your approval… A father with his small child. I saw this video a few months ago, and was reintroduced to it after it hit over 14 million views on YouTube. Since then the video has added translations, and I’m happy to present it to y’all.

I’m going to skip the usual diatribe on media, and language, and “reverse psychology”. But I do want to point a few things out.

1. To my parent readers. Does this look familiar?

2. Do you think that this exchange between father and son could happen in English?

3. How different do you think we really are, around the world, as a people?

It’s brief moments like this that highlight the similarities that we all have, and not the differences. Parenting is the same in any language!

Discuss below. That is all!

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