French Vocabulary: Daily Routines

French Vocabulary: Daily Routines
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French Vocabulary: Daily Routines
le vocabulaire français: la routine quotidienne
- Common reflexive verbs that express day-to-day activities.
- Use these verbs, and others like them, to discuss daily preparations.
You would be surprised how similar daily life is for people all across the world. Many people share the same kinds of morning and evening routines. Being able to express these daily routines can help you get to know others better, share homes and rooms with different people, and be able to communicate any needs to your host while traveling.
Many of the verbs that help describe daily routines are called reflexive verbs. These are verbs for which the source of the action is also the recipient of the action.
s’amuser : to have fun / to amuse oneself
Je m’amuse le week-end.
I have fun on the weekends.
s’appeler : to be named / to call (oneself)
Je m’appelle Suzanne.
My name is Suzanne.
s’asseoir : to sit (oneself) down
Je m’assieds dans une chaise.
I sit myself down in a chair.
se baigner : to bathe (oneself)
Je me baigne tous les jours.
I bathe (myself) every day.
se brosser les cheveux: to brush one(self)’s hair
Je me brosse les cheveux devant le miroir.
I brush my hair in front of the mirror.
se brosser les dents: to brush one(self)’s teeth
Je me brosse les dents deux fois par jour.
I brush my teeth two times a day.
se coucher : to go to bed / to lay (oneself) down
Je me couche assez tard.
I go to bed pretty late.
se déshabiller : to get (oneself) undressed / to take off (one’s) clothing
Je me déshabille avant de dormir.
I get (myself) undressed before sleeping.
se doucher : to shower (oneself)
Je me douche tous les jours.
I shower (myself) every day.
s’endormir : to fall asleep / to put (oneself) to sleep
Je m’endors vite.
I fall asleep quickly.
s’ennuyer : to be bored / to get bored
Je m’ennuie quand je n’ai rien à faire.
I get bored when I have nothing to do.
s’étirer : to stretch (oneself)
Je m’étire quand je me lève.
I stretch when I get up.
s’habiller : to dress (oneself) / to get (oneself) dressed
Je m’habille tous les matins.
I dress (myself) every morning.
se laver : to wash (oneself)
Je me lave les mains.
I wash my hands.
se lever : to get (oneself) up
Je me lève à six heures et demie.
I get up at six-thirty.
se maquiller : to put make-up on (oneself)
Normalement, les hommes ne se maquillent pas.
Normally, men don’t put make-up on (themselves).
se peigner : to comb one(self)’s hair
Je me peigne avec une peigne.
I comb my hair with a comb.
se préparer : to get (oneself) ready
Après avoir mangé, je me prépare.
After eating, I get (myself) ready.
se raser : to shave (oneself)
Je ne me rase pas tous les jours.
I do not shave (myself) every day.
se recoucher : to go back to bed / to lay (oneself) back down
Je voudrais bien me recoucher!
I would really like to go back to bed!
se reposer : to rest (oneself)
Je me repose l’après-midi.
I rest in the afternoon.
se réveiller : to wake (oneself) up
Je me réveille à six heures du matin.
I wake (myself) up at six in the morning.
se sécher : to dry (oneself)
Je me sèche avec une serviette de bain.
I dry (myself) with a towel.
se souvenir (de) / se rappeler : to remember
Je me souviens de ce qu’il m’a dit.
I remember what he told me.
Qui se rappelle les devoirs de ce soir?
Who remembers tonight’s homework?
Que faites-vous avant de vous coucher?
What do you (formal) do before going to bed?
Quand est-ce que vous vous douchez?
When do you shower?
Où est-ce que je dois m’asseoir?
Where should I sit down
Pourquoi est-ce que vous ne vous amusez pas?
Why aren’t you (formal) having fun?
Comment est-ce que vous vous réveillez?
How do you (formal) wake up?
Combien de jours par semaine vous rasez-vous?
How many days per week do you (formal) shave?
À quelle heure est-ce que vous vous couchez la nuit?
At what time do you (formal) go to bed at night?