Spanish Grammar: Negative Informal Commands

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
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Spanish Grammar: Negative Informal Commands la gramática española: los imperativos – negativos e informales
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To state negative informal (tú) commands for regular [-AR], [-ER], and [-IR] verbs, 1. Make sure that the word NO appears before the verb. Then, add … [-AR] Verbs : [-es] hablar -> hablo -> habl + es : ¡No hables! comer -> como -> com + as : ¡No comas! escribir -> escribo -> escrib + as : ¡No escribas! There are a few verbs that are irregular for informal commands. …
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¡No vayas en el agua! Don’t go in the water!¡No seas malicioso! Don’t be mean!¡No vengas tarde! Don’t come late! ¡No abras la puerta! |
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