Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Family Life

Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Family Life
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Family Life

Gabrielle Johnson
Living with a host family was one of the most unique and educating aspects of my trip. I had to opportunity to peek into the lives of a family structure that was completely opposite of my own. Coming from a family of 5 siblings and with friends coming in and out. There was always noise and and there was always something going on. It was an interesting contrast to my own family, which opened my eyes to the fact that family comes in many different packagings.
While I was preparing for this trip, I thought that living with a host family would be the most nerve racking aspect of the trip. But I was pleasantly surprised. As soon as I arrived to my host family’s home I was warm heartedly welcomed. Each morning my host mother would knock on the door an hour before we left to make sure I had enough time to eat breakfast. Which I loved and soon became obsessed with my morning brioche and nutella sandwiches.
Luckily I did not have to memories a train schedule, since each morning we carpooled to Vitre. At the end of the day I was greeted with a ‘bisou’ (friendly kiss) and Herve would ask how my day had been and I would show them pictures the days travels and tried to describe it in french, but when all else failed google translate helped immensely. And luckily by the time we got home dinner was ready and we all gathered around the table. I really enjoyed sitting together at the table, which was refreshing and allowed everyone to get to know each other.
Since looking back on the experience from my stay, I grew a better understanding of how different families can be, but the one similarity between any family is the amount of love and care you have for one another.
Learn More: Study abroad with Modern Languages @ FLCC
– Gabrielle Johnson
The LEAF Project
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike