Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – City Life
Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – City Life Walking down the city streets of France was slightly dissimilar from many cities in the United States. Coming from a small town, it was interesting to see the hustle and fast pace of France. It seemed as if, every street was loaded with cafes, bakeries, and […]

Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – History and Culture
Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – History and Culture France is a unique country. From its romantic language, to Frances’ world renowned cuisine, to the first of its kind art and architectural designs; France is far from an ordinary, run of the mill country. There is one word I would deem fit to describe […]

Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Food and Dining
Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Food and Dining French cuisine is considered an art in France. Dining is not just about food and drinks; it is about culture, family, and socializing. France is known for its exquisite cuisine as well as creating some of the best wine in the western world. While on […]

Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Family Life
Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Family Life Living with a host family was one of the most unique and educating aspects of my trip. I had to opportunity to peek into the lives of a family structure that was completely opposite of my own. Coming from a family of 5 siblings and with friends coming […]

Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Life at School
Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – Life at School The school I attended in Vitré was very similar to an American high school. However, it also included a BTS in the same building. A BTS is most similar to a community college that only has courses in a specific field of interest. It is a bit […]

Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – My Expectations
Aero: Gabrielle Johnson – France 2014 – My Expectations Being raised in a very diverse family has allowed me to be an extremely culturally aware individual. I come from a multi-cultural African-American family. I have always considered my multi ethnic background to be an asset. My diverse heritage has definitely shaped the way in which I view the world. I […]