Folium: Bambucicleta – Bicicletas de Bambú

Folium: Bambucicleta - Bicicletas de Bambú
Folium: Bambucicleta – Bicicletas de Bambú
This website flew across my desk a few days ago, and I really didn’t pay it much attention until the name drew my eyes in. “Bambucicleta”, a play of bambú (bamboo) and bicicleta (bicycle), is an Argentinian company that manufactures bicycles out of sustainable bamboo. So, just wrap your brains around that for a while.
Aside from just being a “cool idea” that you could make bicycles out of something other than metal, there are a lot of different modes of thought that make something like this possible.
From a business standpoint I want to show you that innovation and enterprise exists outside of the United States! There are times when we put on our blinders and think that the United States is the only country in the world that can encourage and support free enterprise. This, of course, is bunk. Looks like innovation is doing pretty darned well in Argentina, and I can guarantee that there are many other countries that have people making awesome things just like this! If business is on your radar, international business will only make you more marketable!
From an engineering and ecological standpoint I want you to see that great ideas can come from all over the world! Making an economically and ecologically sustainable product like the bambucicleta shows how all of us around the world need to contribute to discovering sustainable resources. Languages open the door to accessing these great ideas wherever they are found!
Please visit their website and poke around, this is international innovation at its finest! I’ve also added some additional sources just in case you need a refresher on Argentina!