French Grammar: Necessity and Obligation with [AVOIR BESOIN DE]
![French Grammar: Necessity and Obligation with [AVOIR BESOIN DE] French Grammar: Necessity and Obligation with [AVOIR BESOIN DE]](
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French Grammar: Necessity and Obligation with [AVOIR BESOIN DE]
la grammaire française: la nécessité et l’obligation avec [avoir besoin de]
There are many words and phrases in French that express necessity and obligation. One of the most common ways to express this is by using the phrase AVOIR BESOIN DE.
There are many words and phrases in French that express necessity and obligation. One of the most common ways to express this is by using the phrase AVOIR BESOIN DE.
As you can see, the phrase AVOIR BESOIN DE includes the verb AVOIR (to have). Literally, this phrase means ” to have need of”. But in everyday usage, it is translated as to need. This phrase is a bit less strong than DEVOIR (must / to have to / to be supposed to), and much less strong than IL FAUT (to be necessary).
AVOIR is an irregular verb.
j’AI BESOIN DE : I need
tu AS BESOIN DE : you need (informal)
il A BESOIN DE : he needs
elle A BESOIN DE : she she needs
on A BESOIN DE : one needs
nous AVONS BESOIN DE : we need
vous AVEZ BESOIN DE : you need (formal / plural)
ils ONT BESOIN DE : they need (masculine)
elles ONT BESOIN DE : they need (feminine)
To express that someone needs to do some action, use an infinitive verb after the phrase AVOIR BESOIN DE.
J’ai besoin de faire des réservations.
I need to make reservations.
Il a besoin de garder son petit frère.
He needs to take care of his little brother.
To express that someone needs something, use a noun after the phrase AVOIR BESOIN DE.
Elle a besoin de l’argent.
She needs money.
Vous avez besoin de papier.
You (formal) need paper.
When AVOIR BESOIN DE is followed by a word that begins with a vowel or vowel sound, the DE becomes D’.
Nous avons besoin d’acheter une voiture.
We need to buy a car.
Tu as besoin d’un stylo.
You (informal) need a pen.
When AVOIR BESOIN DE is followed by a plural noun, the DE is NOT made plural!
J’ai besoin de livres.
I need books.
Elles ont besoin de couvertures.
They (feminine) need blankets.
Tu as besoin d’aller aux toilettes?
Do you (informal) need to go to the bathroom?
Oui, j’ai besoin d’aller aux toilettes.
Yes, I need to go to the bathroom.
Vous avez besoin de faire quoi aujourd’hui?
What do you all need to do today?
Aujourd’hui nous avons besoin de ranger notre chambre.
Today we need to tidy up our bedroom.
Ils ont besoin de crayons?
Do they (masculine) need pencils?
Non, ils n’ont pas besoin de crayons.
No, they (masculine) do not need pencils.
Elle a besoin d’aide?
Does she need help?
Oui, elle a besoin d’aide!
Yes, she needs help!