Spanish Grammar: Subjunctive with Adverbial Clauses

Spanish Grammar: The Subjunctive - Adverbial Clauses

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Spanish Grammar: Subjunctive with Adverbial Clauses
la gramática española: el subjuntivo con las cláusulas adverbiales 

  • The subjunctive is a verb mood, not a tense in terms of time.
  • Utilized in adverbial clauses.


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The subjunctive is used when we do not know if the action will take place. If we know that it is or will be a reality, the indicative is used. The subjunctive is used to express doubt, how a person feels about an action or state of being, a wish, intent or command. It can also be used to express facts that are the opposite of reality.

Adverbs help indicate things like when, where, why, and how happens. Now, instead of using just these words, sometimes an entire phrase can accomplish the task of an adverb (adverbial phrase).

Here are some examples of conjunctions that help connect adverbial clauses:

a fin de que : to the end (so that)
a menos que
: unless
antes de que
: before
con tal de que
: provided that
para que : so that
sin que : without

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There are also adverbial conjunctions of time:

a medida que : as / according as
cuando : when
en cuanto : as soon as
mientras : while

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Comenzamos la fiesta cuando ellos vengan.
We’ll start the party when they arrive.Yo corro cada día para que sea listo para la maratón.
I run every day so that I’m ready for the marathon.

Preparamos la comida mientras ellos trabajen afuera.
We’ll prepare the food while they work outside.



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