Spanish Grammar: Subjunctive with Emotion

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Spanish Grammar: Subjunctive with Emotion la gramática española: el subjuntivo con la emoción
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The subjunctive is used when we do not know if the action will take place. If we know that it is or will be a reality, the indicative is used. The subjunctive is used to express doubt, how a person feels about an action or state of being, a wish, intent or command. It can also be used to express facts that are the opposite of reality.
Emotions work with actions and reactions to situations, and how those actions make a person feel. Me alegro de que hayas venido. Me encanta que tomes clases de español. Me sorprende que estés triste. Here are some other emotion triggers that work with the subjunctive. (Not a complete list…) enojarse que : to get mad alegrarse que : to get happy temer que : to fear molestar que : to be annoyed |
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Me molesta que no hayas llamado. It annoys me that you haven’t called.Yo temo que no tenga las llaves. I fear that I don’t have the keys. |
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