Spanish Grammar: Asking Questions – Interrogatives

Spanish Grammar: Interrogatives

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Spanish Grammar: Asking Questions – Interrogatives
la gramática española: hacer preguntas – los interrogativos

  • Simple question words.
  • Ask for various kinds of information.


60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson


Interrogatives (interrogativos) are words that are used to ask questions! (They interrogate!)

Each interrogative, when used in a question, MUST have an accent mark! (Look at the interrogatives closely!)

Without the accent marks, these interrogatives can turn into different words. Without the accent mark, they could mean different things!

The question word (interrogative) usually appears at the beginning of the sentence.

QUIÉN(ES) and CUÁL(ES) must agree in number (singular or plural) with the noun around it.

CUÁNTO(A) & CUÁNTOS(AS) must agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the nouns around it.

INTERROGATIVES: (los interrogativos)

¿qué? : what?

¿Qué hora es?
What time is it?

¿cómo? : how?

¿Cómo está usted?
How are you?

¿cuál(es)? : which? / what?

¿Cuál es su apellido?
What is your last name?

¿cuándo? : when?

¿Cuándo vamos?
When do we leave?

¿dónde? : where?

¿Dónde está Jorge?
Where is Jorge?

¿adónde? : to where?

¿Adónde se fue?
(To) Where did he go?

¿de dónde? : from where?

¿De dónde es usted?
Where are you from?

¿por qué? : why?

¿Por qué tan serio?
Why so serious?

¿quién(es)? : who(m)

¿Quién es la profesora?
Who is the professor?

¿cuánto(a)? : how much/many?

¿Cuánto cuesta la boleta?
How much is the ticket?

¿cuántos(as)? : how much/many?

¿Cuántos años tiene usted?
How old are you?

There are a few rules to follow when asking questions in Spanish:

There must be an inverted question mark at the beginning of the sentence ( ¿ ), and a regular question mark ( ? ) at the end.

In English, we use helping words like DO or DOES when asking questions. In Spanish, this is not necessary because it’s implied in the question.

When asking questions in Spanish, the subject (the noun that’s being identified) is placed after the verb.

Prepositions (a, de, con, en, por, para …) are required in front of the interrogative. They should not appear at the end of the sentence.



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