Folium: How Cross-Cultural Dialogue Builds Critical Thinking and Empathy via KQED
… Connect KQED: How Cross-Cultural Dialogue Builds Critical Thinking and Empathy … Cross-cultural implies comparison of two or more cultural groups including international, interfaith, interethnic, or interracial. Cross-cultural dialogue is the study of how members of different cultural groups perceive and/or engage in dialogue. Something that concerns author Katrina Schwartz is that students and teachers need […]

Folium: Why Do Pigs Oink, Boo-Boo, and Nöff-Nöff via The Guardian
… Connect Why do pigs oink in English, boo boo in Japanese, and nöff-nöff in Swedish? … Have you ever thought back to the animal noises that you used to make as a child? How a cat goes “meow meow,” a pig goes “oink oink,” and a cow goes “moo?” Did you ever think of […]
Spanish Reading Selections: Red Cross and Emotional Health
… Resources Reading Task Questions: Red Cross and Emotional Health … … All images are captured from cruzrojaamericana.org Please support the featured businesses, and visit their websites for more information! All images are for educational purposes only.