Aero: Alysa Halsey – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations

Aero: Alysa Halsey – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
As the day gets closer, my nerves become more apparent to me and my family. I am extremely excited for the trip to Costa Rica but I am also a bit jittery! Traveling to a different country is much different than traveling to a different state, especially with a group of people I barely know. It is difficult to write about my expectations for Costa Rica because I try not to have very many expectations. I have found that it is better for me to not hold any expectations, but rather live in the moment and see where it gets me.

Alysa Halsey
There are certain things that I feel confident about; the host family, the residents, the food, and of course, the beach. However, I am nervous about the plane rides and being so far from what I am used to. I have only been on a plane once in my life, and I was terrified! I visited some family members in Florida, which meant I was going on the plane by myself. This was a learning experience for me, and I definitely grew from it. Similar to this trip, I hope I will learn more about myself as an individual and as a future health care professional.
I am looking forward to a change in environment the most. I get so comfortable at home and at school that sometimes I forget to stop and breathe in the fresh air. This trip will remind me how beautiful the world can be and the importance of awareness to the people that surround me. Interacting with people comes naturally for me, so I am excited to get to know my host family and the residents of Costa Rica!
Alysa Halsey
LEAF Contributor
ML@FLCC – Costa Rica 2016