Aero: Brianna Jackson – Costa Rica 2016 – Epilogue

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
What can I say that I haven’t already? Never in a million years would I have believed that I would have been given the opportunity to go to another county. Certain expectations were met, and other expectations were completely shattered. I was nervous about my host family, and while we didn’t eat a meal together as I had hoped we would, we still spent quality time together. They were welcoming, and it’s amazing how in the two weeks that I got to know them, I fell in love not only with their family, but with their country as well. Living in a Spanish speaking country for two weeks did not come without challenges, but I made the best of the situations I was placed in, and decided to just experience what was being offered without prejudice or reservation.

Brianna Jackson
Beyond my host family, living situation, and food, I didn’t really know what to expect, and I can say I was surprised. I loved learning and seeing the volcanoes, the hikes, touring Alajuela, riding horses, and so forth. This experience was worthwhile, and I learned that even if something is out of your comfort zone, you should make the best of it, because you’ll come out a more understanding and well versed person. Even though I don’t speak Spanish, I learned to work around that, and I learned how to make tortillas for the first time. I was able to learn about the turmoil in Nicaragua in person, and see a country that really hasn’t known the freedom that we’ve known all our lives.
It is my belief that this trip was a worthwhile experience. If I had to describe it to another I would say that not only is it a fun experience, but it’s a chance to see how another part of the world lives. It’s a chance to see a country that is all about taking care of its people, and its environment. It’s an opportunity to expand your horizons, and an experience that gets you out and socializing. I want to encourage many people not only to take this opportunity to see Costa Rica, but just to travel in general. You learn so much, and I’m just so grateful I was given this opportunity.
Brianna Jackson
LEAF Contributor
ML@FLCC: Costa Rica 2016