Aero: Henry Livingston – France 2018 – My Expectations

France 2018 – My Expectations

Henry Livingston
I’m enthusiastic to have this opportunity to study abroad in such a diverse, vibrant, and intriguing place as France. However, I have previously had little experience with traveling abroad and I’m therefore uncertain exactly what to expect. Nevertheless, I believe this will be an opportunity to learn about the unique aspects of French culture and the differences/similarities between my culture and theirs. I expect that I’ll have the opportunity to meet many individuals in France, who will offer me insights into the culture. I think I can expect most of the French people to be kind, polite, and more or less similar to Americans in most regards. I anticipate that the people I meet will be welcoming and willing to assist my understanding of the culture and environment. I expect that the rich history of the region will be explored throughout our travels, especially through their abundant collection of art work. I also expect that examining various historical locations will provide me with a greater understanding for the rich past of the region. I expect that the housing accommodations will be similar to most American homes, but I think it’ll have some notable alterations in its construction, such as the different type of electrical outlet. I believe in large cities like Paris I can expect to see technology being more integrated into society, much more than I currently see.
Obviously, the city of Paris is renowned for its stunning architecture, which I hope to learn more about throughout my stay. As the French are exceedingly famous for their delicious and often artistic cuisine, I believe that my visit will expand my appreciation for French food and cooking in general. I anticipate using the advanced French public transportation system to travel around the region. Indeed, I presume that the city of Paris will be easily navigable, even to a foreigner. I believe that I can expect to witness differences in the approach to education in France, although I’m not quite sure what. I’m expecting to learn much about the French perceptions of American culture and what aspects of it are common among the population. The language barrier, will most likely be my biggest struggle whilst in France, as I don’t have a firm grasp of the language. However, I believe that the atmosphere of the region will be conducive to non-French speakers. I anticipate that the traveling will help familiarize myself with the process of navigating a foreign country and how to efficiently travel around a region, to consume the most amount of content. Overall, I believe that this opportunity will provide me with insights into the French culture and my own. I also think that this will give me a better understanding of history, music, travel, architecture, and so much more.
Henry Livingston
Study Abroad – France 2018 @ FLCC
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