French Grammar: Passé Composé – Basics

… Identify: French Grammar: Passé Composé – Basics la grammaire française : le passé composé – les rudiments When speaking about the past in English, you choose which past tense to use depending on the context and the meaning you wish to convey. In French sentences, you choose which past tense to use depending on the meaning you wish to convey. Study: When […]

French Grammar: Basic Negation

… Identify: French Grammar: Basic Negation la grammaire française: la négation de base Basic negation lets us say “no” to things in French! It also lets us express that things are NOT a certain way. Study: The negative construction in French has two parts: (1) the word ne and (2) a specific negative word(s). Commonly […]

French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Other Expressions

… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Other Expressions la grammaire française: le verbe FAIRE avec autres usages The verb FAIRE means to do or to make (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…). The verb FAIRE is extremely commonly used in French.  It is also […]

French Grammar: Demonstrative Pronouns

Identify: French Grammar: Demonstrative Pronouns la grammaire française: les pronoms démonstratifs DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS point out (“demonstrate”) specific people, places, and things. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS agree in number and gender with the noun they replace. Study: Don’t get Demonstrative Pronouns confused with Demonstrative Adjectives! They look somewhat similar, but have different functions! Demonstrative Adjectives help to describe and identify people, places, […]

French Grammar: Demonstrative Adjectives

… Identify: French Grammar: Demonstrative Adjectives la grammaire française: les adjectifs démonstratifs Used to point out (demonstrate) people, places, and things. Must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Study: Don’t get Demonstrative Adjectives confused with Demonstrative Pronouns! They look somewhat similar, but have different functions! Demonstrative Adjectives can mean either this/that or these/those. […]

French Grammar: Commands with Object Pronouns

… Identify: French Grammar: Commands with Object Pronouns la grammaire française: l’impératif avec les pronoms Study: You can attach certain Direct Object Pronouns, Indirect Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, and the Adverbial Pronouns [Y] and [EN] to command forms! It’s important to pay attention to whether a command is affirmative or negative, since this will affect the order in which the object pronouns are […]

French Grammar: Imperatives – Construction and Form

… Identify: French Grammar: The Imperative (Command Form) – Construction la grammaire française: l’impératif – conjugaison Study: Imperatives (commands) are words that are used to give instructions, or to ask or tell a person to do (or not do) something. If you want to be able to tell someone how or what to do (or […]

French Grammar: Imperatives – Basics

… Identify: French Grammar: Imperatives – Basics la grammaire française: les impératifs – une introduction  Study: Imperatives (commands) are words that are used to give instructions, or to ask or tell a person to do (or not do) something. If you want to be able to tell someone how or what to do (or not […]

French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Sports

… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Sports la grammaire française: le verbe [faire] avec les sports The verb FAIRE means to do or to make. (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…) The verb FAIRE is also used in a variety of vocabulary expressions, like […]

French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions

… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions la grammaire française: le verbe [faire] avec les expressions du temps The verb FAIRE means to do or to make. (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…) The verb FAIRE is also used in a variety of […]