Folium: How Latino Players Are Helping Major League Baseball Learn Spanish via NPR
… Connect NPR: How Latino Players Are Helping Major League Baseball Learn Spanish … Baseball has been known as an American pastime. However, over the years baseball has gained more recognition and has spread to countries all over the world. This has ultimately led to foreign players coming to America to play baseball in the […]
French Vocabulary: Sports
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Sports le vocabulaire français: les sports Sports are a true international interest, in business and in play. Sporting events bring the world together. Study: This is a collection of sports terms that can be used for a variety of situations. Make sure to check out the individual lessons for more details […]
French Vocabulary: Baseball
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Baseball le vocabulaire français: le base-ball Baseball is an international sport, worth billions of dollars. Baseball terms can create connections and facilitate international friendships. Study: If there’s one thing that most of the world can agree upon, it’s sports! If you learn to talk about sports, you’ll always have an internationally […]
French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Sports
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Sports la grammaire française: le verbe [faire] avec les sports The verb FAIRE means to do or to make. (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…) The verb FAIRE is also used in a variety of vocabulary expressions, like […]

Terra: Fútbol in Alajuela, Costa Rica
Soccer is not a sport, it’s an experience. The game pervades every aspect of daily life, making it less of a sport and more of a cultural phenomenon. It is a spectacle on par with weddings and festivals, an opportunity to participate should never be missed. Alajuela, Costa Rica is not a major city, more […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Baseball
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Baseball el vocabulario español: el béisbol Baseball is an international sport. Create connections and facilitate international friendships. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el árbitro : umpire No debes tocar el árbitro. You shouldn’t touch the umpire. la base : base El jugador corre a la base. […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Soccer
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Soccer el vocabulario español: el fútbol Soccer is an international sport. Create connections and facilitate friendships. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el aficionado : fan Yo soy un aficionado de fútbol. I’m a fan of soccer. el árbitro : referee El árbitro corre rápido. The referee […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Hobbies and Pastimes
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Hobbies and Pastimes el vocabulario español: los pasatiempos Hobbies and pastimes are common all over the world. Utilize these activities to discover new hobbies. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics LEAF Spanish Grammar: Verb Conjugation – Basics … Study acampar : to camp Nos gusta acampar en las montañas We […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Sports
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Sports el vocabulario español: los deportes Sports are a true international interest, in business and play. Sporting events brings the world together. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la banca : bench Hay doce jugadores en la banca. There are twelve players on the bench. el campeón : champion/winner (masc.) El es […]
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