Spanish Grammar: Possessive Adjectives

Spanish Grammar: Possessive Adjectives

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Spanish Grammar: Possessive Adjectives
la gramática española: los adjetivos posesivos

  • Indicates ownership of an object.
  • Identify what is mine, yours, or theirs.


60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson


Possessive Adjectives
mi(s) my
tu(s) your
su(s) his / her / your
(modifies with number and gender)
(modifies with number and gender)
su(s) their / your 

Possessive adjectives indicate possession. They let us know what is mine, yours, his, hers, or ours.

Just like other descriptive adjectives, possessive adjectives must agree in number with the OBJECT(S) they are possessing. (The thing/s that are being possessed.)

However … the possessive adjectives nuestro and vuestro ALSO change in number (singular and plural) and gender (masculine and feminine) with the OBJECT(S) they are possessing. (The thing that are being possessed.)

Mi libro es muy grande.
My book is very large.

Mi clase es pequeña.
My class is small.

Nuestra casa está en la ciudad.
Our house is in the city.

Su hermano es muy guapo.
Your brother is very handsome.

Sus gatos son muy vellosos.
Your cats are very fuzzy.

Se entrega vuestra tarea el lunes.
You will turn in your (familiar) homework on Monday.



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