Spanish Grammar: Vowels and Vowel Sounds

Spanish Grammar: Vowels and Vowel Sounds

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project


Spanish Grammar: Vowels and Vowel Sounds
la gramática española: las vocales y los sonidos de las vocales

  • Category of letters in the Spanish alphabet.
  • Spell and pronounce words correctly.


60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson


A – (ahh) /  E – (ehh) /  I – (eee) / O – (ohh) /  U – (ooo)

Spanish Vowels (las vocales) play an important role in correctly reading, writing, speaking, and understanding Spanish! Learning to enunciate vowels well can help you speak more like a native Spanish speaker.

Spanish Vowels are spoken without any kind of block or stop in the airway. All vowels are formed with the mouth OPEN and air moving freely!

Sometimes a misspoken vowel can completely change the meaning of a word! (Like in nouns or verbs.)

Accent marks also appear over vowels, but never over consonants.

See how many vowels are in these Spanish phrases!


¡Hola! ¿Cómo está usted?
Hello! How are you?

Yo estoy muy bien, gracias.
I am very well, thanks!

¿De dónde es usted?
Where are you from?

Yo soy de los Estados Unidos.
I am from the United States.


¿Cómo se escribe su nombre?
How do you spell your name?

Mi nombre se escribe (spell your name!)
My name is spelled (spell your name!)

¿Cómo se escribe su apellido?
How do you spell your last name?

Mi apellido se escribe (your last name!)
My last name is spelled (your last name!)

¿Cómo se escribe el nombre de su amigo?
How do you spell your friend’s name?

El nombre de mi amigo se escribe (first name!)
My friend’s name is spelled (first name!)

¿Cómo se escribe el apellido de su amigo?
How do you spell your friend’s last name?

El apellido de mi amigo se escribe (last name!)
My friend’s last name is spelled (last name!)

¿Sabe usted las vocales en español?
Do you know the vowels in Spanish?

Si, yo sé las vocales en español.
Yes, I know the vowels in Spanish.



Quizlet Activity

  • Vowels and Vowel Sounds – Phonetics
  • Direct Link: []
  • Click on the top right-hand corner for Options.
  • Click on the bottom right-hand corner to change Study Mode

Quizlet Activity

  • Vowels and Vowel Sounds – Examples
  • Direct Link: []
  • Click on the top right-hand corner for Options.
  • Click on the bottom right-hand corner to change Study Mode