Folium: Spanish Researchers to Train FIFA Referees With 3D Technology via Engadget
(Image via Element Technica) Folium: Spanish Researchers to Train FIFA Referees With 3D Technology via Engadget Did you know that in Europe, “soccer” is called “futból”? Now… can we never state the obvious again? We all know… On the other hand, are you familiar with FIFA? This one might be a little more specific, and […]

Folium: Blindside, a new “3D audio-only adventure game” for iOS via BoingBoing
Folium: Blindside, a new “3D audio-only adventure game” for iOS via BoingBoing Blindside is a best-selling game for iOS (iPhone, iPad) … with no graphics. And that makes it awesome. Here is the original tech demo, and if you got a pair of headphones I’d put them on! Blindside is a “3D audio-only adventure game” […]