Folium: Useful Words With No English Equivalent via BoingBoing
Shemomedjamo – “I accidentally ate the whole thing.” Folium: Useful Words With No English Equivalent via BoingBoing … Mark Twain often wrote of his distaste of the German language, how new nouns could be formed by smashing them all together, or worse, by smashing a load of functions or meanings together to create something totally […]

Folium: Blindside, a new “3D audio-only adventure game” for iOS via BoingBoing
Folium: Blindside, a new “3D audio-only adventure game” for iOS via BoingBoing Blindside is a best-selling game for iOS (iPhone, iPad) … with no graphics. And that makes it awesome. Here is the original tech demo, and if you got a pair of headphones I’d put them on! Blindside is a “3D audio-only adventure game” […]

Folium: Sourcemap – Visualizing Supply-Chains via BoingBoing
Folium: Sourcemap – Visualizing Supply-Chains via BoingBoing This is a global economy, visualized. And that scares some people… The words “global economy” have been deified and vilified, they’re a position and a platform, they’re the cause of and solution to all of the world’s problems. But all of these perspectives do not negate the fact that […]

Folium: The Benefits of Xenophobia via BoingBoing
Folium: The Benefits of Xenophobia via BoingBoing I’ve always been taught that a good viewpoint deserves the consideration of a counterpoint. And since Folium is all about the merits of language learning, travel, and world culture, I figured that a well-written article on xenophobia was in order. Xenophobia, the fear of outsiders, things that are […]