Folium: YouTube’s Automatic Captioning Adds Six Additional Languages via Engadget
Folium: YouTube’s Automatic Captioning Adds Six Additional Languages via Engadget I envy the Google engineers. From what I understand, they are often given time to work on their own projects, or improve existing projects using original ideas. I’ve gotta believe that YouTube’s automatic captioning is one of those side projects that took a life of […]

Folium: Spanish Researchers to Train FIFA Referees With 3D Technology via Engadget
(Image via Element Technica) Folium: Spanish Researchers to Train FIFA Referees With 3D Technology via Engadget Did you know that in Europe, “soccer” is called “futból”? Now… can we never state the obvious again? We all know… On the other hand, are you familiar with FIFA? This one might be a little more specific, and […]

Folium: Google expands Google Street view to Brazil and Mexican Ruins via Engadget
Folium: Google expands Google Street view to Brazil and Mexican Ruins via Engadget This isn’t the first time we’ve covered improvements to Google Street View in Folium, and I have the feeling that it definitely won’t be the last. However… I consider this a good thing. Bring on the future of travel! (Or at least […]

Folium: The Inner Workings of Google Translate via Engadget.com
Google gives us some insight on the inner workings of Google Translate via Engadget You darn kids with your iPods and your Facebooks and the Twitters … All this technology doesn’t grow on trees y’know! Did you know that Google can translate stuff? And that they’re pretty darned good at it too! In fact, Google […]