Folium: Living In The World’s Most Welcoming Countries via BBC
… Connect BBC: Living In The World’s Most Welcoming Countries … An expatriate, often shortened to “expat”, is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of their citizenship. For many expats, finding new friends can ease the often overwhelming task of adjusting to a new journey abroad. But according to […]

Folium: Countries as Named in Their Own Languages via MentalFloss
… Connect Countries as Named in Their Own Languages via MentalFloss … Have you ever considered, looking at a map or globe, the names of the countries on it? They’re all in English; understandable to us in our own language. However, have you ever considered what the United States might be called on the map […]
French Vocabulary: Francophone Countries and Nationalities
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Francophone Countries and Nationalities le vocabulaire français: les pays et les nationalités Common French-speaking countries around the world. Identify where people are from and how they self-identify. Study: This is a partial list of countries in which French is an official language, including country names in English, French, Nationalities, and local Currencies. […]

Folium: The Exploding Internet via NewScientist.com
The Exploding Internet via NewScientist.com In academic institutions, I sometimes have a difficult time convincing students (and other faculty) why languages are no longer an elective – but should be a requirement for all programs. Nothing upsets me more than a student who is born, raised, goes to school, and gets a job in the […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Hispanic Countries and Nationalities
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Hispanic Countries and Nationalities el vocabulario español: los países y las nacionalidades hispanas Identify and specify different Spanish-Speaking countries. Know where Spanish is spoken and plan future travels! … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: The Verb [SER] with Nationalities … Study South America : La América del Sur o Sudamérica Name in English […]
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