Aero: Tiffany Bane – Costa Rica 2016 – Food and Dining

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
The food in Costa Rica is similar to food in the United Sates, but it is prepared differently. The one place that I got to see where the food was made was at my home. When I was up in time in the mornings, I would watch my host mother make breakfast. Almost every breakfast would include meat, eggs, rice, beans, bread, coffee and some type of cold drink, which was some type of juice.

Tiffany Bane
For dinner most of the time included some time of meat, rice, beans, or tortillas. Whatever the food was that our host mother made us it was always delicious, and the seasonings she used were very different than the ones I use at home. There is this one fruit, or vegetable I’m not sure what it’s called but it tastes like a very watery potato, and our group in our house calls it a water potato.
When we were at restaurants I tried to order something different at everyone, so that I was trying something new the entire trip. In some places the food was very similar to the United States so it ordering was easy, but the seasonings made the foods taste different. I tried different types of fruit like mango, papaya, pineapple, and they tasted so much better there than in the US even in the summer.
I also tried the casado (married dish) which is a lot of food for one person! The dish included beef, rice, beans and mixed vegetables, and then we got tres leches cake which isn’t that good but I tried it. I also tried a caramel flan, which also isn’t very good. I also got to try some shredded coconut for the first time and it wasn’t too bad.
In Costa Rica restaurants it seemed like it sometimes took more than an hour to get your food after you ordered which seems like a lifetime when you’re hungry. This is completely different than in the United States, because normally you’re in an out of a restaurant in an hour. In Costa Rica, and Nicaragua the people take their time, and you just have to go with it, pura vida! You just have to sit down with the people you came with and enjoy the company and hang out and relax. I had some of the best food I’ve had in a while in Costa Rica, all because I wasn’t afraid to try new things.
Tiffany Bane
LEAF Contributor
ML@FLCC: Costa Rica 2016