Aero: Tiffany Bane – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations

Aero: Tiffany Bane – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
I’m not sure what to except on this trip, but I love trying new things! I love to travel, and I have been to many states. But I have never been out of the country, and it is something that I’ve always wanted to do, and this is my first opportunity to travel outside of the US, and I am beyond excited for this experience. So why Costa Rica? I have had family members go to Costa Rica and tell me about the culture, the landscapes and just how beautiful it is there. Hearing their experiences I thought a lot about it and it was something that I wanted to experience myself, and what better time to do that than the winter! I’ve always wanted to travel to a place that is in Central or South America.

Tiffany Bane
I’ve done most of my traveling without my family, but I’ve always been with people close to me. This time I will be traveling with people I’ve talked to a few times is going to bez something that will be different. Traveling with people that I’m not completely familiar with makes me nervous, but excited to try something different at the same time.
Going into this trip one thing I am worried about is the language barrier. Spanish was never my strong suit in high school. The last time I had a Spanish course was my senior year, and that feels like it was so long ago! I feel as the trip progresses that I will pick up on the phrases and some of the language that is needed the most, through the interaction with my host family and others; and this will help me make the most of the trip.
Where I live, all the stores I need are 10 minutes from my house. Will such convenience be the same in Costa Rica? I am curious to compare and contrast the two countries to each other, and see what works for both places. The food is one area that I am very excited about. I love trying new foods, and it is one area of the trip that I am excited to try.
Tiffany Bane
LEAF Contributor
ML@FLCC – Costa Rica 2016