Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica, 2015
FLCC’s Costa Rica Study Abroad program offers students the opportunity to experience an international study abroad program without worrying about burdensome financial or time commitments. This SUNY-accredited travel course is great for students who have never ventured outside the country and want to have a safe experience while earning college credit!
Students study in Costa Rica for over two weeks, attend language classes, stay with host families, and embark on excursions to diverse beaches, natural reserves, and other ecological sites around the country.

Tiffany Bean
Tiffany Bean
Human Services @ Finger Lakes Community College
Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica, 2015
The reason that I have decided to join FLCC’s travel abroad program is because my parents used to travel and they would tell me about their adventures and I had always wanted to do the same. I’m excited to go to Costa Rica to make new friends and to make new memories!

Autumn Clearwater-Day
Autumn Clearwater-Day
Early Childhood Education @ Keuka College
Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica, 2015
I grew up on a small Indian Reservation in Grand Portage, Minnesota. I am looking for a new perspective while traveling abroad. Soon, I hope to teach my students about my traveling adventures; also inspiring them to see the world. I plan to challenge myself in diving into new experiences that I may have never thought to do. In Costa Rica, I want to include myself in every learning opportunity. Learning about different cultures has always been of interest in my life, and I am looking forward to fully immersing myself into the Tico culture and traditions. I am very curious as to what will happen in my trip abroad.

Alaiza Dominguez
Alaiza Dominguez
Fish and Wildlife / Humanities @ Finger Lakes Community College
Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica, 2015
Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. Whether it’s close or far, I jump on every traveling opportunity offered to me. Costa Rica is a beautiful country and I can’t wait to explore it. As a fish and wildlife major, this trip will be an excellent and unique hands-on learning experience. Biodiversity, ecotourism, and nature in general are very important to me. As a humanities major, foreign languages are a large part of my education. Traveling to a country where English isn’t the native language might be the best way to test your conversational skills. Experiencing cultural diversity first hand, meeting and connecting with new people, and trying all kinds of new things will make you a better traveler and that’s exactly what I hope to do. I am open minded and passionate about many things and I plan on channeling all of that into making this the trip of a lifetime.

Mary Erb
Mary Erb
Humanities @ Finger Lakes Community College
Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica, 2015
I’ve always loved language and culture, and the opportunity to immerse myself in both is a very enthralling prospect. I’m currently going into my third semester at FLCC as a Humanities student, and eventually I would love to attend a school abroad for Film making. I’m confident that my travels in Costa Rica will help me to gain a better perspective on studying in a foreign place, and I wholly believe it will widen my scope and strengthen my abilities as someone who wants to create films. It hasn’t been uncommon throughout history for people to engage themselves in other regions and cultures different from their own, and to be fueled artistically or otherwise as a result. This is an extremely joyful thought to me, and I feel my other passions, which include art, reading, music, and interacting with people, will be livened during the trip as well. Consequently, I’m greatly looking forward to the knowledge and experience this stay in Costa Rica will provide me for my future cultural and plain everyday pursuits!

Marriah Gough
Marriah Gough
Early Childhood & Special Education / ASL @ Keuka College
Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica, 2015
As a future educator, diversity is a very important concept and meaning to my career path. Being able to be exposed to different cultures, lifestyles, environments, and individuals different than what I am used to everyday is an exciting experience, an experience that will last a lifetime. When stepping into my own classroom one day, there will be students from many different cultures and areas across the globe, therefore diversity is something I need to be familiar with. I want to explore the different cultures and lifestyles, making that bond with my future student’s one step further and stronger. By going on this trip to Costa Rica, I feel as if it will help me gain a stronger familiarity with different cultures and lifestyles, as well as come out of my shell a bit, trying and showing myself new things. This trip will help expand my mindset and open my mind for new ideas and beliefs as well as really move out of my comfort zone by being in new areas in which I have never been before. I am very excited for this experience and cannot wait to see what Costa Rica has in store!

Annie Livingston
Annie Livingston
Liberal Arts @ Finger Lakes Community College
Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica, 2015
After taking classes at FLCC for three semesters, if I am asked what the most beneficial part of going to community college was, what the biggest gift was that I took away from this experience, I can say hands down that it was how I was able to see out of the small world that I knew and look into the much larger one. I remember on my first day of Spanish class when I was shown a map of the world and asked to name as many of the Spanish speaking countries as I could, I realized that I didn’t really know any, and that’s when I realized how little I knew about the world. Going to college has inspired a newfound interest in traveling and discovering my world. Through the process of preparing for Costa Rica, researching and dreaming, I know almost every Latin American country on the map. Right now, discovering my world and experiencing new cultures and ways of life is what I am most passionate about.

Kevin Urbaitis
Kevin Urbaitis
Paralegal @ Finger Lakes Community College
Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica, 2015
I am a 23 year old paralegal student currently attending FLCC hoping to obtain my third college degree. I have an Associates degree in Liberal Arts from FLCC and a Bachelors degree in History from SUNY Brockport. One of my favorite life experiences so far was interning in Washington D.C., and I hope to move back there in the near future. I have a strong passion for sports, especially football and basketball. I also really enjoy electronic music and attending music festivals in the summer. Lastly I am an animal lover, I have a dog and two cats that I love living with.
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