Folium: How Learning Languages and Music Are Linked via The Conversation
… Connect How Are Learning Languages and Music Linked via The Conversation … For some people, music is what makes them tick. They cannot live without music. And truthfully, no one can really live without music. There are patterns within music that our brain attaches onto in order to communicate. There are sounds and repetitions […]

Folium: Languages Are Mostly Made of Happy Words via The Atlantic
… Connect Languages Are Mostly Made of Happy Words via The Atlantic … Words are an outlet for expressing feelings to others through text. There is a constant mix of positive and negative words used in YouTube Comments, Facebook Posts, and Tweets. Some may use language to harm, while others use it to analyze situations […]

Folium: How Are You Today? via Visual.ly
How Are You Today? via Visual.ly We write a lot on LEAF about how everyone around the world is more alike than we realize. Peoples is peoples! Today’s Infographic comes from Skype via Visual.ly (am I crazy for not being used to international web address endings yet?) When we meet new people, there is always […]