Folium: Can You Lose Your Native Language via BBCFuture
… Connect BBCFuture: Can You Lose Your Native Language? … “Bilingualism” is when someone speaks and understands two different languages. This could refer to an individual or an entire society. The proficiency level of the person needs to be that they both understand and speak at the level of a native speaker, or close to […]

Folium: You Can Buy Happiness, If It’s an Experience via NPR
… Connect You Can Buy Happiness, If It’s an Experience via NPR … There is a common proverb that you have probably heard that reads; “money can’t buy happiness.” Well I beg to differ. You can buy happiness, but the happiness depends on what you spend your money on. Advertising tries to catch your eye […]

Folium: Can Travel Really Change You via HowStuffWorks
… Connect Can Travel Change You via HowStuffWorks … Everyday we are bombarded with stories from friends and family about trips that “changed their lives” but can travel really “change” someone? While the stories may be somewhat of an annoyance, there is much evidence that travel can, in fact, change you. Day to day living […]

Folium: Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World via Spanish For You.net
Folium: Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World via Spanish For You.net … Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World is an informative article which shows Spanish teachers a good exercise for learning Spanish. The exercise is good because the students are highly engaged in the activity and gain knowledge of Spanish geography and vocabulary. Moreover, they […]

Folium: Wine in South America Is Older Than You Think via Winefolly
Folium: Wine in South America Is Older Than You Think via Winefolly New York State’s largest wine producing region resides in the Finger Lakes area surrounding Finger Lakes Community College. Over 100 wineries and vineyards are located around Seneca, Cayuga, Canandaigua, Keuka, Conesus and Hemlock Lakes. The upstate climate is strongly influenced by the Finger […]

Folium: Do You Speak Touriste? via NBCNews
Folium: Do You Speak Touriste? via NBCNews Tourism is big business. Attracting, entertaining and ensuring a steady flow of tourists is a world-wide industry. France is currently the world’s top destination for foreign tourists; the city of Paris was visited by 29 million people in 2011. By comparison, London attracted approximately 15.3 million international visitors […]
French Grammar: Personal Pronouns – [TU] and [VOUS]
… Identify: French Grammar: Personal Pronouns – [TU] and [VOUS] la grammaire française: les pronoms personnels – [tu] et [vous] Subject pronouns (also called “Personal Pronouns” – les pronoms personnels sujets) let us know who or what is involved when we use verbs! Subject pronouns are used in all aspects of conversation. They identify people and their actions! Both […]

Folium: How Are You Today? via Visual.ly
How Are You Today? via Visual.ly We write a lot on LEAF about how everyone around the world is more alike than we realize. Peoples is peoples! Today’s Infographic comes from Skype via Visual.ly (am I crazy for not being used to international web address endings yet?) When we meet new people, there is always […]
Folium: How to say “I love you” in 100 languages
Folium: How to say “I love you” in 100 languages Just a bit of random cuteness today. 100 different languages and they all convey the same message. Makes you wonder if some things are truly universal. How many can you identify, and do you think the meaning-impact-effect changes at all among languages? How to say […]