Folium: Cell Phone Etiquette Around the World via Best Infographics
Folium: Cell Phone Etiquette Around the World via Best Infographics … Have you ever wished to hold the world in your hands? Chances are if you are an American adult, you already do. Introducing: your cell phone. According to Pew Internet Project research, as of January 2014 90% of American adults own a cell phone, […]

Folium: Dining Etiquette From Around the World via JoinDarkSide
Dining Etiquette From Around the World via JoinDarkSide (Click for Graphic!) “Do NOT talk with food in your mouth!” Every child has probably heard this phrase at one time or another as well as “Keep your elbows off the table.” Both of these phrases correspond to the dining etiquette that is part of the American […]
Francophone Culture: Business And Meeting Etiquette
Francophone Culture: Business and Meeting Etiquette via Dr. Armelle Fee, FLCC Relationships & Communication French business behavior emphasizes courtesy and a degree of formality. Mutual trust and respect is required to get things done. Trust is earned through proper behavior. Creating a wide network of close personal business alliances is very important. If you do […]
Hispanic Culture: Business and Meeting Etiquette
Hispanic Culture: Business and Meeting Etiquette via Dr. Armelle Fee, FLCC Relationships & Communication: The Spanish prefer to do business with those they know and trust. It is important that you spend sufficient time letting your business colleagues get to know you. Once you develop a relationship, it will prevail even if you switch companies, […]

Folium: International Dining Etiquette Rules via BudgetTravel.com
International Dining Etiquette Rules via BudgetTravel.com Food and culture are inseparable ideas. They are symbiotic concepts, you cannot embrace one without the other. Learning to love food is learning to love the people who grow, prepare, and consume the food. And for many people, food is the first baby step to learning about different cultures. In […]
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