Folium: Wearable, Robotic, Sign Language Translator via Engadget
Folium: Wearable, Robotic, Sign Language Translator via Engadget For most schools, the study of modern languages and cultures is usually split between humanities and social science departments. These are areas that are all about the people and their cultural productions. They create observations, case studies, literary analysis, and historical accounts. Rarely, if never, do these […]

Folium: Microsoft Can Make Your Voice Speak Foreign Languages via Gizmodo.com
Folium: Microsoft Can Make Your Voice Speak Foreign Languages via Gizmodo.com Have you ever wondered what your own voice sounds like? Have you ever taken a tape recorder, recorded yourself, then immediately said “eww, that’s how I sound to other people?” Yeah, I thought so. Well, take that idea and apply it to different languages! […]