Folium: What America Feels Like After 7 Months Of Foreign Adventure via Gizmodo
… Connect What America Feels Like After 7 Months Of Foreign Adventure via Gizmodo … This life is filled with many types of opportunities. We seek ways to open our minds and let our eyes see and our ears hear new and interesting experiences. These opportunities will present themselves at some point in our lives […]

Folium: How Thinking Changes The Shape of Your Brain via Gizmodo
Folium: How Thinking Changes The Shape of Your Brain via Gizmodo “I think, therefore I am” (“Cogito ergo sum” – Descartes). Right? YouTube contains an unlimited supply of cat videos and people inflicting great amounts of pain on themselves and their friends. However, it’s easy to forget that there are people out there who really […]

Folium: The Longest Word in the English Language via Gizmodo
Folium: The Longest Word in the English Language via Gizmodo We have often discussed on Folium the “flexibility” of the English language, and this is just another example of just how far the rules of language can be pushed (which, to find out, is pretty far). The adaptability of English tends to be a two-edged […]

Folium: Breeze Your Way Through TSA Security via Gizmodo
Photo via AP Photo/Erik S. Lesser Folium: Breeze Your Way Through TSA Security via Gizmodo Hating on the TSA is an easy thing to do. The entire airport security process is known for being a slow, painstaking, and often degrading experience for all travelers. The TSA has incurred wrath from every angle imaginable, yet still […]

Folium: The World’s Population Density Visualized via Gizmodo
Folium: The World’s Population Density Visualized via Gizmodo So, first and foremost, this article is a Gizmodo feature of a web site designed by Derek Watkins. His website is interactive and I totally recommend playing with the website before reading any further! Population Density via http://www.dwtkns.com/density/ Pretty cool huh! I’m a sucker for data visualization, especially […]

Folium: Microsoft Can Make Your Voice Speak Foreign Languages via Gizmodo.com
Folium: Microsoft Can Make Your Voice Speak Foreign Languages via Gizmodo.com Have you ever wondered what your own voice sounds like? Have you ever taken a tape recorder, recorded yourself, then immediately said “eww, that’s how I sound to other people?” Yeah, I thought so. Well, take that idea and apply it to different languages! […]