Aero: Alysa Halsey – Costa Rica 2016 – Biodiversity

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
Living in a small town hasn’t exactly allowed me to become very familiar with other cultures or ethnicities. That is one of the reasons I chose to go on the trip to Costa Rica. There are a lot of aspects to consider that are different when traveling to a different country. Aspects such as the change in weather, land, animals, food, and beliefs would all be slightly unlike what I was used to. Traveling to another country has allowed me to open up to the differences and beauties in other parts of the world and embrace them.

Alysa Halsey
Costa Rica and Nicaragua are both beautiful countries that I am very grateful I got to visit. What I liked the most about them is their dedication and commitment to the territory and wildlife. It was shocking coming from a village all about hunting and fishing then going to countries that aren’t even allowed to have certain animals as pets. Going to the zoo was a lot of fun and nothing like the zoos we have in the United States. Their animals are rescued and are still able to live in their natural habitat even while being at the zoo. This experience was eye opening and supports their love for the animals.
The beauty of the world is represented perfectly through these countries. Everywhere we went there was green and fresh air. I couldn’t count the number of times my breath was taken away from seeing the natural beauty of the land and the volcanoes. Yet, the volcanos were an experience all in their own. I really enjoyed listening to the stories behind each volcano that the people of Costa Rica and Nicaragua believed in. It seemed strange at first, to think about the stories they believed in, but then I remembered the odd things that I believe in, and I understand them better. Learning about the culture was very interesting and guided me in understanding why life in Costa Rica is different than life in the United States. I also liked hiking to get to the volcanos and seeing a lot more beauty on the way. It was a bonding experience for everyone on the trip and allowed us to experience the beauty together.
Alysa Halsey
LEAF Contributor
ML@FLCC: Costa Rica 2016