Folium: Why Does a Word Sometimes Lose All Meaning via MentalFloss
… Connect MentalFloss: Why Does a Word Sometimes Lose All Meaning? … There is a phenomenon that appears when a word occurs multiple times, that word begins to lose it’s meaning, or as Zachary Petit puts in his article “disintegrates” before your eyes. This phenomenon is called Semantic Satiation, or semantic saturation which is more formally […]
French Grammar: Typing French Accent Marks
Identify: French Grammar: Typing French Accent Marks la grammaire française: taper les accents français Learn how to type French accent marks on your computer! Study: On a PC, the ALT codes are used to enter the characters as text in programs such as MS Word or Adobe Photoshop. To enter an ALT code from your […]

Folium: The Longest Word in the English Language via Gizmodo
Folium: The Longest Word in the English Language via Gizmodo We have often discussed on Folium the “flexibility” of the English language, and this is just another example of just how far the rules of language can be pushed (which, to find out, is pretty far). The adaptability of English tends to be a two-edged […]

Folium: The Spanish Word For “Wife” … via DidYouKnowArchive.com
Folium: The Spanish Word For “Wife” … via DidYouKnowArchive.com Did the picture ruin the surprise? The Spanish word for wife is la esposa. The Spanish word for handcuffs is las esposas. So, your wife is technically your handcuffs. Insert jokes here… However, I’m disappointed that the website doesn’t explain why the two words are so […]