Folium: What “Personal Space” Means to the Rest of World via Lifehacker
… Connect Lifehacker: What “Personal Space” Means to the Rest of World … Do you have a personal space limit? Have you heard of a “personal bubble”? According to National Geographic, “The psychology of studying personal space, or “peripersonal space” as it is known, tells us there really is such a thing. The brain computes […]

Terra: Personal Space is a Relative Thing
… For anyone going to stay in France as more than just a tourist, it is important to realize something about the French people you may live with and befriend- they will not respect your ideals of personal space. The next time you interact with your friends, think about how far away you stand from […]
French Vocabulary: Law Enforcement and Personal Safety
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Law Enforcement and Personal Safety le vocabulaire français: l’exécution de la loi et la sécurité personnelle Law enforcement professionals are the people who keep others safe. Identify and communicate with law enforcement officials on a global scale. Study: Professions in law enforcement and personal safety require a special set of vocabulary […]

Folium: Two Is A Crowd via NYTimes
Folium: Two Is A Crowd via NYTimes “Physical contact between two people…can be perfectly correct in one culture, and absolutely taboo in another”. Edward T Hall, 1968 So… about 93 to 97% of all communication between human beings is non-verbal – an encouraging statistic for those who never really understood the benefit of learning all […]
French Vocabulary: Giving Personal Information
Identify: French Vocabulary: Giving Personal Information le vocabulaire français: donner des renseignements personnels Learning how to ask for and give personal information in French is vital in getting to know people and maintaining relationships with friends! Knowing how to share personal information is also helpful when completing application forms and other documents! Study: Comment vous appelez-vous? […]
Spanish Reading Selections: Toy Safety
… A word about reading texts in their original language: This is freaking hard! Yup. Languages can be complicated! Can’t I just use Google translate on this stuff and read it in English? I guess you could… Then why should I read this? Because reading texts like this can accelerate your language learning. So, what […]
Spanish Grammar: The Verb [SER] with Personal Descriptions
… Identify Spanish Grammar: The Verb [SER] with Personal Descriptions la gramática española: el verbo [ser] con las descripciones personales The verb ser means to be, it is an irregular verb. May be used to identify characteristics. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: The Verb [SER] – Basics … 60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson … Study The Verb […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Law Enforcement – Basics
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Law Enforcement – Basics el vocabulario español: las fuerzas del orden – los básicos Law enforcement professionals keep others safe. Identify and communicate with law enforcement officials. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el abogado : lawyer El abogado lucha por la verdad. The lawyer fights for the […]
Spanish Grammar: Personal Pronouns
… Identify Spanish Grammar: Personal Pronouns la gramática española: los pronombres personales Most often teamed up with verbs. Identify the source or origin of an action. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Verb Conjugation Basics … 60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson … Study In English, we don’t use grammar to address people formally and informally. But in […]
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