Folium: Why Does a Word Sometimes Lose All Meaning via MentalFloss
… Connect MentalFloss: Why Does a Word Sometimes Lose All Meaning? … There is a phenomenon that appears when a word occurs multiple times, that word begins to lose it’s meaning, or as Zachary Petit puts in his article “disintegrates” before your eyes. This phenomenon is called Semantic Satiation, or semantic saturation which is more formally […]

Folium: Is Speaking a Language Different From Being Fluent via MentalFloss
… Connect MentalFloss: Is Speaking a Language Different From Being Fluent? … I am under the impression that to be fluent in another language means that you speak it as well as, or almost as well as, your native language. But what does being fluent in another language actually mean? Is speaking a language different […]
Spanish Reading Selections: Mental Health Conditions and Treatment
… A word about reading texts in their original language: This is freaking hard! Yup. Languages can be complicated! Can’t I just use Google translate on this stuff and read it in English? I guess you could… Then why should I read this? Because reading texts like this can accelerate your language learning. So, what […]

Folium: Increase Your Child’s “Mental Flexibility” via Districtadministration.com
Folium: Increase Your Child’s “Mental Flexibility” via Districtadministration.com Results of 144 research studies led to the conclusion that early experience with two language systems seems to leave children with “a mental flexibility, a superiority in concept formation, and a more diversified set of mental abilities.” To paraphrase a Chinese Proverb, there is only one brilliant […]

Folium: 35 Modern Words Recently Added to the Dictionary via Mentalfloss
Folium: 35 Modern Words Recently Added to the Dictionary via Mentalfloss English seems to be a rather hot-button topic in the academic world lately, we just published a new article a few days ago about the rapid evolution of English over the past 500 years. Now, here it is in action today! English is an […]