Hispanic Culture: Meeting and Greeting People
Hispanic Culture: Meeting and Greeting People Knowing how to introduce people will give you added confidence, both professionally and socially, when dealing with host-country nationals. One advantage that Spanish-speaking people enjoy in making introductions is that they do not need to remember the name of the person who is being introduced. They can simply say […]
Hispanic Culture: The Familiar (Informal) Form “Tú”
Hispanic Culture: The Familiar (Informal) Form “Tú” The use of the familiar “tú” form will vary quite a bit from country to country, from region to region within a given country, from family to family, and among individuals. The familiar form is used more readily in some countries than in others; however, in recent years […]

Folium: 267 MPH on the Shanghai Maglev Train via BoingBoing
Folium: 267 MPH on the Shanghai Maglev Train via BoingBoing A few years ago I co-supervised a small group of study abroad students in southern Spain, and we had the unique opportunity to take the regional train (Renfe) from Sevilla to Granada. Our options were limited, but before even considering public transit we first researched taxis, […]

Folium: A Billion Consumers In The Americas via USA Today
Folium: A Billion Consumers In The Americas via USA Today Have you ever stopped to consider just how much of something it takes to make up a billion? That’s billion with a big “b”. If you had one billion dollars, you would need to spend close to $2,740,000 every single day of the year and […]

Folium: “Make It Count” via YouTube / Nike
Folium: “Make It Count” via YouTube / Nike There are times when I waffle about posting media that rides the line between “educational inspiration” or “marketing fluff”. I want to post things with substance, enough to actually show people something new and impressionable. Perhaps this stems from the part of me that is determined to […]

Folium: The Cave of The Swallows via GilyGily
Folium: The Cave of The Swallows via GilyGily Since it’s the weekend, and people tell me that it’s summertime (I don’t get out much), I thought I’d provide another taste of eye candy for y’all. This is the “Cave of The Swallows” (El sótano de las golodrinas) and as the name implies, it’s a natural […]

Folium: What Your Luggage Says About You via HomeAway.com
Folium: What Your Luggage Says About You via HomeAway.com So, lately I’ve been pretty serious and most likely rather preachy… So here’s a fun one for everyone! Follow the link to HomeAway.com and check out the infographic! I’ve spent a good deal of time in airports, probably not more than some road warriors, but enough […]

Aero: Giverny, France – First Impressions
Aero: Giverny, France – First Impressions via The LEAF Project Bonjour! First of all, I must apologize for taking so long to post—apparently Internet access can be somewhat tricky in rural France. I’ve had some amazing experiences in the past week, but before anything else I have to share my thoughts on the local scenery […]

Folium: Where Your Coffee Comes From via Gizmodo
Folium: Where Your Coffee Comes From via Gizmodo I do honestly believe that people all over the world need to know and understand where their food comes from. It was only a generation ago where farming and food production was a major career option for many people across the country, and little by little the […]

Folium: Culinary Engineering (¡Madre de Diós!) via Imgur
Folium: Culinary Engineering (¡Madre de Diós!) via Imgur I don’t know if this is a stretch or not, but I’ve decided to at least let you know my thought processes here. Click the pic / link and you’ll see more to the story. Go ahead, I’ll wait… So, what we have here is a cute […]
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