Folium: How Different Cultures Around the World Deal With Emotion and Conflict via BigThink
… Connect BigThink: How Different Cultures Around the World Deal With Emotion and Conflict … Many different people make up this world with varying colors, genders, sizes, sexualities and races just to name a few. Something that distinguishes a group of humans more than anything else is the way their culture affects them. In this article […]

Folium: Is Speaking a Language Different From Being Fluent via MentalFloss
… Connect MentalFloss: Is Speaking a Language Different From Being Fluent? … I am under the impression that to be fluent in another language means that you speak it as well as, or almost as well as, your native language. But what does being fluent in another language actually mean? Is speaking a language different […]

Folium: Cows “Moo” With Different Accents via BBC News
Folium: Cows “Moo” With Different Accents via BBC News This isn’t the first time we’ve discussed the world of animal linguistics, and for reference we illustrated how different languages represent (in writing) the sounds that animals make. However, this is a horse of a different color. Or, um, cow… The BBC, in whom I often […]