Spanish Vocabulary: News Media
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: News Media el vocabulario español: las noticias Common terms utilized in news media productions. Inform yourself and others of local and global events. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el artículo : article Yo escribí un artículo. I wrote an article. la columna : column Es una columna pequeña. It’s a small column. […]

Folium: Cows “Moo” With Different Accents via BBC News
Folium: Cows “Moo” With Different Accents via BBC News This isn’t the first time we’ve discussed the world of animal linguistics, and for reference we illustrated how different languages represent (in writing) the sounds that animals make. However, this is a horse of a different color. Or, um, cow… The BBC, in whom I often […]

Folium: SESAME Synchrotron is a Flash of Unity in Middle East via BBC News
Folium: SESAME Synchrotron is a Flash of Unity in Middle East via BBC News Imagine a language that could unify nations. Imagine a language that has the potential to rectify centuries of hostility and disparity as well as political and religious conflict while also bringing people from different cultures together all in the name of […]

Folium: LEAF News – 17 May 2012
So, you’re actually reading this huh? I’m sorry … Here’s what new with LEAF! On January 1st, 2012 we launched LEAF! We added a ton of little things like random Spanish vocabulary lessons, trabalenguas, and other things across the internet that we thought was pretty cool. I guess the original thought was to make a […]
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