Folium: Is Speaking a Language Different From Being Fluent via MentalFloss
… Connect MentalFloss: Is Speaking a Language Different From Being Fluent? … I am under the impression that to be fluent in another language means that you speak it as well as, or almost as well as, your native language. But what does being fluent in another language actually mean? Is speaking a language different […]

Folium: Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World via Spanish For You.net
Folium: Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World via Spanish For You.net … Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World is an informative article which shows Spanish teachers a good exercise for learning Spanish. The exercise is good because the students are highly engaged in the activity and gain knowledge of Spanish geography and vocabulary. Moreover, they […]

Folium: The Neural Advantage of Speaking Two Languages via Scientific American
Folium: The Neural Advantage of Speaking Two Languages via Scientific American Folium often makes the case for multilingualism in regards to business, travel, or marketability. But this time we would like to dig a little deeper into the brain, and how knowing multiple languages fundamentally changes the way you think! The ability to speak a […]

Instructional Resources: Speaking Task (Voicethread) Guide
… Speaking Task Video Guide and Demo Voicethread … (Direct Link to Voicethread Page!) https://voicethread.com/share/1220960/ This is a DEMO Voicethread. Press PLAY to hear instructions, and click COMMENT to record a comment of your own! … (rev. 04 October 2018)

Folium: Foreign Accent Syndrome via SWNS
Creative Commons Media via Flickr User Zion Fiction Folium: Foreign Accent Syndrome via SWNS via SWNS The human brain is an amazing thing. It seems like the more we discover, the less we actually understand… FAS, or “foreign accent syndrome”, affects only a few people in the entire world. Yet this disorder has gained national attention […]

Folium: Verbling Pairs You with Native Speakers So You Can Practice Speaking New Languages
Folium: Verbling Pairs You with Native Speakers So You Can Practice Speaking New Languages This sounds like a great way to speak with native speakers of a language! I remember several years ago wondering about how I was going to engage my students in “real” speaking tasks utilizing the target language. I tend to believe […]