French Grammar: Passé Composé with [AVOIR] – Irregular Verbs

… Identify: French Grammar: Passé Composé with [AVOIR] – Irregular Verbs la grammaire française: le passé compose avec [avoir] – les verbes irréguliers When speaking about the past in English, you choose which past tense to use depending on the context and the meaning you wish to convey. In French sentences, you choose which past tense you use depending […]

French Grammar: Verb Conjugation – Basics

Identify: French Grammar: Verb Conjugation – Basics la grammaire française: la conjugaison des verbes – les essentiels Verbs (les verbes) are used to communicate actions. They DO things! If you plan on doing anything in French, you’ll need to learn how verbs and verb conjugations work! Study: Infinitive verbs are verbs that are unchanged. They are in their most basic form, and can […]

French Grammar: Passé Composé with [AVOIR] – Regular Verbs

… Identify: French Grammar: Passé Composé with [AVOIR] – Regular Verbs la grammaire française: le passé compose avec [avoir] – les verbes réguliers When speaking about the past in English, you choose which past tense to use depending on the context and the meaning you wish to convey. In French sentences, you choose which past tense you use depending […]

French Grammar: Nasal Vowel Sounds

Identify: French Grammar: Nasal Vowel Sounds la grammaire française: les sons des voyelles nasales Understanding vowels (les voyelles) and vowel sounds is an important part of the French language.  You need them to read, write, and speak French well!  Many parts of French depend greatly on getting vowel sounds right, so listen carefully! Study: French vowels (les […]

French Grammar: Transitional Words and Phrases

Identify: French Grammar: Transitional Words and Phrases la grammaire française: les connecteurs logiques Transitional words and phrases help to keep stories moving along. They can indicate the order or placement of events over time, and can help link events together in a cohesive manner. Study: Transitional words and phrases help to keep stories moving along. They […]

French Grammar: Vowels and Vowel Sounds

Identify: French Grammar: Vowels and Vowel Sounds la grammaire française: les voyelles et les sons des voyelles Understanding vowels (les voyelles) and vowel sounds is an important part of the French language.  You need them to read, write, and speak French well!  Many parts of French depend greatly on getting vowel sounds right, so listen carefully! Study: […]

French Grammar: Consonants and Consonant Sounds

Identify: French Grammar: Consonants and Consonant Sounds la grammaire française: les consonnes et les sons des consonnes Understanding consonants (les consonnes) and consonant sounds is an important part of the French language.  You need them to read, write, and speak French well.  Many parts of French depend greatly on getting consonant sounds right, so listen carefully! Study: […]

French Grammar: French Pronunciation – Basics

Identify: French Grammar: Basic French Pronunciation – Overview la grammaire française: la prononciation française – les rudiments Being able to pronounce French words correctly is an important part of learning the language.  Good pronunciation is essential for making yourself understood by native speakers!  This lesson will give you the basics of French pronunciation, in order […]

French Grammar: Passé Composé – Basics

… Identify: French Grammar: Passé Composé – Basics la grammaire française : le passé composé – les rudiments When speaking about the past in English, you choose which past tense to use depending on the context and the meaning you wish to convey. In French sentences, you choose which past tense to use depending on the meaning you wish to convey. Study: When […]

French Grammar: Basic Negation

… Identify: French Grammar: Basic Negation la grammaire française: la négation de base Basic negation lets us say “no” to things in French! It also lets us express that things are NOT a certain way. Study: The negative construction in French has two parts: (1) the word ne and (2) a specific negative word(s). Commonly […]