Folium: Why I Taught Myself 20 Languages… via TED-Ed
… Connect TED-Ed: Why I Taught Myself 20 Languages… … If you don’t know what a hyperpolyglot is… that’s ok, because neither did I. But a hyperpolyglot is someone who is gifted at massively accumulating languages. They possess a particular neurology that’s well-suited for learning languages very quickly and putting them to good use. While […]

Folium: Does Grammar Matter via TED
… Connect TED: Does Grammar Matter? … Grammar is thought of as a set of linguistic habits. When we started out learning a language, such as English, you learn from a linguistic pattern that helps you remember what is right and what isn’t. We sometimes recognize the poor grammar of others and become so called […]

Folium: A Brief History of Plural Word…s via TEDed
Folium: A Brief History of Plural Word…s via TEDed … Has a language learner ever asked you why English is so hard to learn? Have you ever pondered the irregularities of English yourself? Many native English speakers question the difficulty of learning the language, but when one takes a look at some commonly used words and […]

Folium: How Languages Evolve via TED
Folium via How Languages Evolve via TED What is language? According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, “language” is the “body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition.” The dictionary entry continues on through six […]

Folium: Texting is Killing Language? via TED
Folium: Texting is Killing Language? via TED FYI: A new language is developing among our youth, and many of us, unsurprisingly, are vehemently against it. As a woman who prides herself in grammatical accuracy and a decent vocabulary it would seem appropriate that I would be left with a bitter taste in my mouth after […]

Folium: Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education via TED
Folium: Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education via TED Now here is an idea worth sharing! Salman Khan, the creator of the online Khan Academy, speaks in this TED Talk about how and why he believes the traditional school agenda should be flipped completely upside down with the help of technology. We all know that […]

Folium: Language as a Window into Human Nature via RSA Animate
Folium: Language as a Window into Human Nature via RSA Animate Steven Pinker is a Harvard College Professor who conducts research regarding language and cognition. He has published seven books and has recently been a presenter for the nonprofit organization TED, which is devoted to “ideas worth sharing” from the realms of technology, entertainment, and design. (If you’ve […]

Folium: Rick Steves – The Value of Travel via YouTube / TED
Folium: Rick Steves – The Value of Travel via YouTube / TED Ideally, Folium extols the virtues of language learning, cultural awareness, and the benefits of travel. However, when confronted by godfather of all that we hold dear, I easily concede my experience to a greater power. This is Rick Steves. He’s a rock star […]